
Today is a great day!!

For the first time I was able to cross view. And only today I found out the type of stereograms I used to play with were parallel viewing. To find the difference between them go here or here. (Gosh! wikipedia articles for cross view and parallel view don’t exist. I could create one someday!)

Here is a great tutorial to get you started with crossviewing.

Normal viewing :

Normal Viewing

Parallel viewing :

Brain thinks image is farther.
In case of two adjacent images,

L   R
|    |
L   R   -> eyes, right eye sees right image, left eye sees left, and we overlap these two.

Parallel Viewing

Crossviewing :

Brain thinks image is nearer.
In case of two adjacent images,

L   R
L   R   -> eyes, right eye sees left image, left eye sees right, and we overlap these two.



Sahil Ahuja

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